Visitors information
To check on a patient before you arrive please call the hospital main reception on (03) 9473 8700
COVID-19 La Trobe Private Visitor guidelines:
[Last updated 2 February 2024]
As always, the protection of our patients and staff is our highest priority.
- Visiting hours: 2pm - 7pm daily.
Please note that we practise and strongly encourage proper hand hygiene.
Car parking:
La Trobe Private Hospital has limited parking so we encourage patients to have family members or a friend drop them off and pick them up before and after their admission in the designated drop off zones at the front of the hospital.
Enter the carpark via Ring Road from Kingsbury Drive
La Trobe Private Hospital car park charges:
0 to 30 minutes - No Charge
30 minutes to 1 hour - $9.00
Between 1 and 2 hours - $14.00
Between 2 and 3 hours - $18.00
Between 3 and 4 hours - $22.00
Between 4 and 8 hours - $28.00
Between 8 and 24 hours - $32.00
Lost Ticket - $32.00 per day
*All prices include GST
Mastercard, Visa and AMEX credit cards are accepted on entry and exit at the gates or at the pay station. We also accept cash payments at the Pay Stations one being located in the main reception foyer and the other in the consulting suites foyer.
Patient drop off and pick up:
Patient drop off and pick up is undercover at the main entrance of the facility. Parking in this area is not permitted.
Bus service:
The nearest bus stop is a two minute walk from the hospital with the following bus route numbers servicing the area surrounding the hospital: 240, 250, 360, 550 and 551.
Tram service:
The tram number 86 travels along Plenty Road and stops in from of the Hospital. Please contact Metlink Melbourne on 131 638 or visit www.metlinkmelbourne.com.au for more information.
La Trobe Private Hospital provides care for many patients from rural areas, from time to time relatives will require local accommodation whilst their loved one is in hospital.Our closest motel is the Quest Bundoora and they would be more than happy to discuss current specials available, they can be contacted on (03) 8306 0600.
A free internet service is available to our patients and guests.
Flowers and gifts will be delivered to each patient’s room and vases are available on request.
Plants in soil are a health risk in a hospital and are regrettably not permitted. This is also the case for flowers in the Intensive Care Unit. Nursing staff will arrange for any flowers to be stored elsewhere while a patient is in the Intensive Care Unit and until they are transferred to a ward, or to be sent home with family.
La Trobe Private is a smoke free facility.
If you would like assistance in how to stop smoking contact your GP, treating specialist or call Quit Line on 13 78 48.
Visitors or patients are not permitted to bring alcohol into the hospital.
Alcohol can have significant adverse effects when combined with medications.
A patient’s diet while they are in hospital is related to their clinical condition and/or their stage of recovery, it is aimed to aid their path to a full recovery.
For this reason any food brought by visitors should only be consumed in consultation with nursing staff.
A coffee cart, serving quality coffee is located adjacent to the Main Entrance of La Trobe Private Hospital.
Jamaica Blue OPENING SOON at La Trobe Private Hospital.
Jamaica Blue café will be located on the Ground Level, adjacent to Main Entrance hospital reception, providing food and beverages.
Opening hours: Opening soon